Gashumba Sempija
Gashumba is 16 years old and studies in primary 3. His father is dead and his mother is HIV positive.
Aid for Education has been supporting the family since January 2012, providing Gashumba with school materials, medical insurance and a goat. Gashumba has had problems with his left leg since he was 3 years old. It started as a small wound but spread up the leg. His parents tried taking him to different hospitals, but there was no improvement and eventually his mother was unable to continue looking for treatment because of lack of money. Gashumba said that his leg is very painful and he is unable to play football, a sport he loves. In February 2014, our Field Worker took Gashumba to Rwamagana hospital where he was prescribed medicine and cream. Gashumba's medical insurance card covers part of the cost and Aid for Education paid the rest. Gashumba’s leg is not completely better, but he takes the medicine and applies the cream regularly, so the pain is under control. |