Abagore Farming project
Many of the families supported by Aid for Education's partner in Rwanda, are headed by women - mothers, grandmothers, aunts, older sisters, guardians. The women's farming project, 'Abagore Farming' ('Abagore' means 'women'), has been set up to give these women the opportunity to earn money to look after their families. Aid for Education provides land, tools and seeds and the women grow crops to sell in the market, enabling them to earn an income.
The women sell the maize and vegetables in the markets and to restaurants. Aid for Education has also helped to build a storage house to keep the crops and with room to hold meetings and training workshops for the women. To find out how to support this project and others like it: Story of Mukabaranga Ernestine
Ernestine is a woman with 4 children and the first husband was imprisoned because of genocide and after she got remarried to her husband whom she is staying with today. "I came in to CMF in February 2013 and that was a day there were many visitors and they invited me. CMF has helped me to join the women in a group and this has helped me in changing my life. I planted cabbages and I got 80,000 Rwf and I planted 4 blocks of sweet potatoes which can give me a production of 100,000 Rwf. CMF helped me in teaching my children (one boy and one girl). CMF gave me a goat and it has multiplied. We also have big farm of maize which we expect to gain more harvest. CMF is now clearing the swampy area where we are going to plant tomatoes which will automatically change my life in particular and CMF women in general and I thank CMF for how it has helped me. God bless CMF!" |
This year the farming project have been growing Maize and cabbages - with some good results!