If you wish to sponsor a child or donate to a particular project when donating please specify this when you donate or contact us to let us know.
Donate Online |
Create a Standing OrderIf you would like to set up a regular payment from your bank account please request a form using the link below
Post a ChequePost your UK bank cheque made payable to Aid For Education to:
Aid For Education SCIO ℅ Eastons Private Client Solicitors Pentagon Centre, Washington Street Glasgow, Scotland G3 8AZ |
If you are a UK Taxpayer and currently pay income tax, then you have the option of Gift Aiding your donations. Simply fill in a Gift Aid Declaration form after making your donation and send it to us. This means Aid for Education can reclaim back 25p of tax on every £1 you donate. Please note that if you do not currently earn enough to pay tax then you do not qualify for the Gift Aid scheme and may need to repay HMRC any Gift Aid you add to charitable contributions. You should also inform us if at any time you stop paying tax after sending us your form. For more info see
Gift Vouchers
Help bring hope to children and families in Rwanda. By buying these vouchers, you are helping to change the lives of children and their families in Rwanda.
Choose the voucher required and then press 'add to cart'. This will open a new window. To add more vouchers, press 'continue shopping'. Once you are ready, press 'checkout' and pay by card or paypal.
Choose the voucher required and then press 'add to cart'. This will open a new window. To add more vouchers, press 'continue shopping'. Once you are ready, press 'checkout' and pay by card or paypal.
Buy a Goat
By buying a goat you are helping a family become more self reliant. The goat is a good source of meat and its manure helps fertilise the land so the family can harvest more food.
Medical InsuranceClick to set custom HTML
This voucher will provide a year's medical insurance for a family, allowing them to get treatment if they are sick.
Mosquito Net
Approximately 90% of Rwandans are at risk of malaria and it is the leading cause of infant mortality in the country. With this voucher you will provide much needed protection that could save a child's life.
School Materials
Many children miss school because they cannot afford school materials. With this voucher you have enabled a child to have exercise books, pens and pencils to copy their notes in class.
Shop with our Partners
Help raise money by using our Amazon Associates account. Amazon will give Aid for Education up to 10% in referral fees when you make a purchase through our Amazon Store link.
Do you have any old CDs, DVDs or computer games that you don't need? Why not give them to us and help raise money?
Old mobile phones? Old ink cartridges? GIVE A LITTLE, HELP A LOT! Don’t bin them – recycle them to raise funds!
(We cannot accept toner bottles, ribbons, Epson inkjet cartridges, refilled or remanufactured cartridges.) If you have any of these items to recycle, contact us to find out what to do next. |